2021年6月17日 星期四

6/18雙語生活課 .影片


我是芳宇老師,6/18的二年級雙語生活課內容為「繪本時間:植物坐不住Plants Can’t Sit Still」。請協助孩子點選以下課程影片及作業連結(欣賞外國老師故事朗讀及科普影片),感謝您的協助!!

Dear Parents,

This is Emily Lin, teacher of G2 Life class. We’ll learn a story “Plants Can’t Sit Still” today. Please let your kid watch the video below. And click on the homework links and enjoy the read-aloud and some fun videos about seed dispersal. Thank you! 

課程影片連結Video Link:

作業連結(影片欣賞) Homework Links:

1.外國老師朗讀Plants Can’t Sit Still

2.科普影片Seed Dispersal by Explosion種子噴發

或科普卡通Seed Dispersal

